accelerating velocityの例文


  1. An accelerating velocity at the front enhances the speed of the glaciers response to climate or glacier dynamic changes.
  2. One principal, theorising how bullets have accelerated velocity because they're spherical, becomes perfectly spherical, in an attempt to catch the brightest scholar.
  3. In the actual shoot, with the trains accelerating velocity timed to the second, she leapt without hesitation and landed correctly, but with forward motion she rolled forward, saving herself from injury and improving the shot by catching hold of an air vent and dangling over the edge.
  4. So, with a so-called  Quantitative change,  one factor becomes preponderant as the other diminishes with accelerated velocity and is overpowered by the first, which therefore constitutes itself the sole self-subsistent Quality .  The two Qualities are no longer distinct, mutually exclusive determinations, but together comprise a single whole.


  1. "accelerating tube"の例文
  2. "accelerating type seismometer"の例文
  3. "accelerating unit"の例文
  4. "accelerating universe"の例文
  5. "accelerating valve"の例文
  6. "accelerating voltage"の例文
  7. "accelerating wave"の例文
  8. "accelerating weight"の例文
  9. "accelerating well"の例文
  10. "accelerating winding"の例文
  11. "accelerating universe"の例文
  12. "accelerating valve"の例文
  13. "accelerating voltage"の例文
  14. "accelerating wave"の例文

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